The Florida Bicycle Association is the voice in Florida for people who bicycle for fun, for transport, or for sport, as well as the communities where they thrive.
We help improve the built environment and promote policies that support bicycling throughout the state. Our team members are engaged in coalitions across Florida, including in the state capital; we track and comment on policy at the state and federal levels; we work with regional agencies, the Florida Department of Transportation and municipalities of all sizes; and, we partner with organizations across the Sunshine State whose goals complement ours.
Read our most recent policy and legislative positions below.
Then, get involved. Sign up to receive our newsletters and educational alerts. If you can, become a volunteer. And perhaps most importantly, if you aren’t already a member, please join to add your voice to the movement.
2025 Florida Legislative Session Update
February 26, 2025
The Florida Bicycle Association’s mission is to make Florida better for people who want to bicycle and for people who need to bicycle. Part of that mission means working to make our roadways safer for all travelers, whether they’re on a bike, on foot, or driving.
That’s a tall bar in Florida, where an average of 9 people die on our roadways every day. Six of these daily deaths are attributed to distracted driving. While distracted driving can include a number of activities, we all know that people who are using their phones while driving are of particular concern. Notably:
Texting while driving is 6 times more dangerous than drunk driving
Drivers who text while driving are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash or a near-miss event
You are FOUR TIMES more likely to be involved in a crash just by having a phone in your hand.
The Florida Bicycle Association has joined the Naples Pathways Coalition and other partners to call for a Hands-Free Florida: an effort to make it illegal to hold your phone while driving through legislative action in 2025.
Florida currently has a “no texting while driving” law but there are too many loopholes and the current law is effectively unenforceable. A “Hands-Free” law is needed to make it clear that no one should be driving and scrolling, streaming, or anything else other than driving. It’s the difference between making it home alive or heading to the ER - for the driver, their passengers, and others who share the roadways.
We think the call for a Hands-Free Florida is an important one, and we hope you’ll join the call. Here’s how you can take action today:
Visit HandsFreeFlorida.org and sign the petition to show your support.
Join the Hands-Free Florida Coalition by emailing Michelle@NaplesPathway.org.
Show your support by driving hands-free at all times - whether it’s the law or not!
Florida Bicycle Association is excited to share that Florida Representative Allison Tant has filed HB 501: Hands-Free Driving. You can track the bill here. We hope to announce a Senate sponsor very soon.
In collaboration with the partners on the Hands-Free Florida Coalition, we will make sure our collective voices are heard and that we make it clear that Florida needs to follow the lead of the 30 other states that have enacted similar laws and seen results.
Recent Policy and Legislative Initiatives
2024 Legislative Priorities and Outcomes
Overall, the 2024 Florida legislative session marked another step forward in bicycle-friendly policies and fostering a safer, more sustainable transportation landscape in Florida. The Florida Bicycle Association had supported two proposed laws that would be good for people who bicycle and walk in Florida and opposed two bills that weren't bicycle friendly. Read about the outcomes below.
Requesting Crash Data that is Fair to People on Bicycles
The federal agency responsible for collecting crash data recently prepared draft guidelines for collecting uniform data across the country. This data is important, as it helps advocates understand the type and severity of crashes involving people on bicycles, and how to prevent crashes that cause serious injuries or death. The draft guidelines, however, included concerning language. Florida Bicycle and many organizations across the state and the nation submitted letters of comment requesting better guidelines. Read our full letter below.
Proposed Federal E-BIKE Act
The Florida Bicycle Association supports the Electric Bicycle Incentive Kickstart for the Environment (E-BIKE) Act (S. 881/H.R. 1685). The act would relieve 30% of the cost (up to $1,500) of a new electric bicycle through a refundable consumer tax credit. As shared by PeopleForBikes, electric bicycles have the ability to displace short car trips by getting people where they need to go with efficiency and ease. An all-in approach to reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change must recognize the ability of electric bicycles to take cars off the road and keep people moving, active, and connected to their communities. Use this page to encourage your federally elected officials to co-sponsor the bill.
Proposed State Legislation 2023: Enforcing School-Zone Speed Limits
SB 588 and HB 657 would enhance enforcement of vehicle speed limits in school zones and prioritize the safety of our most vulnerable community members—children—during one of their most vulnerable times of day: getting to and from school. We support these bills, students’ safety, and a bike-friendly Florida. Read the full bills, get status updates and contact legislators here.
Proposed State Legislation 2023: Expanding Florida's Trails Network
SB 106 and HB 915 would make trails in the Florida Wildlife Corridor a priority for the SUN Trail program and the state’s greenways and trails network; increases annual SUN Trail spending for new trails to $50 million per year; and makes a one-time appropriation of $200 million to accelerate trail construction. We support these bills and also encourage creating connections to and within population centers so that more people can access the trails and safely use “active” modes of transportation.
Proposed Federal Rule 2022: Tracking GHG Emissions from Surface Transportation
A proposed U.S. Dept. of Transportation rule would require federal grantees to measure and manage greenhouse gas emissions from transportation plans and programs, allowing communities to assess and address the long-term impact of transportation investments, including bicycle infrastructure. We support this rule and also request the agency include state and local roads in the rule, and provide assistance to states and local agencies for implementation.